HerzE.HTMõ‹€8"õ‹`B@’ŌĄ߈čߎDŽDXį õ‹€ąTEXTGoMk’’’’/²”š•²”šĄ«‰ Ischemic Heart Disease

Ischemic Heart Disease


What does ischemic heart disease mean?

Ischemic heart disease is defined by a situation of disproportion between the cardial need for oxygen and its supply. The major part of the heart consists of muscle tissue which needs oxygen for its work. The blood vessels supplying the heart muscle with oxygen are called coronary arteries. Narrowing of these vessels can occur through macroangiopathy (arteriosclerosis leads to plaques that can lead to occlusion of the vessels) or microangiopathy (narrowing of smallest vessels) and the blood supply is being decreased for the affected area. Other reasons for ischemic heart disease can be an enlargement of the heart muscle (hypertrophy), tachycardia (the heartbeat frequency being too fast), hypertension or cardiac arrhythmia. Tobacco smoking, diabetes, irregularities in the lipid metabolism (high levels of LDL and cholesterol) and hyper-fibrinogenaemia are also called risk factors.

The latent ischemic heart disease can be distinguished from the symptomatic which has the following symptoms:
a) angina pectoris, chest pain because of reversible inadequate blood supply to the cardiac muscle,
b) myocardial infarction, with permanent damage to the muscle tissue,
c) cardiac arrhythmia,
d) cardiac failure with sudden death.

The diagnosis of ischemic heart disease is made most of the time because of angina pectoris and is ensured by ECG (non-stress or stress ECG). Through coronary angiography, an exact registration of site and dimension of the narrowed vessels is possible.

How is ischemic heart disease being treated?

The most important treatment is to avoid risk factors like: smoking, stress, high blood pressure. A normal body weight should be achieved through diet and training. Any existing conditions like diabetes or hypertension should be treated. In addition the oxygen supply of the heart can be increased by drugs as well as the need for oxygen can be decreased. The blood flow can be improved as well as the bleeding time reduced. A procedure in which a balloon is inserted into the vessel for dilatation is available for blocked vessels as well as coronary surgery where the blocked vessel is replaced (bypass-surgery). There are several other options to offer your heart the best possible treatment and together with your doctor you should find the one that is right for you.
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