EndarmE.HTM8"`B@߈ߎDDX TEXTGoMkb;b\ Diseases of the Rectum

Diseases of the Rectum


What does rectum actually mean?

The last 20 cm of the intestinal channel is called the rectum. The top section, in which the contents of the intestines are stored until the next defecation is restricted by the internal sphincter and the hemorrhoid. Then the lower anal channel which has highly sensitive skin to enable deliberate control of defecation and gas, limited by the external sphincter and a venous plexus.

What kind of disorders of the rectum exist ?

The most frequent symptoms are burning, itching, lumps and swelling arising with changing pain: signs of blood on the toilette paper, dirty underwear or uncontrolled release of gas.

The most significant diseases are hemorrhoids, anal laceration and anal tumor, anal thrombosis (also called external hemorrhoids), abscesses and fistulas, as well as anal eczema. The rectoscopic examination makes it possible to differentiate between these diseases and at the same time exclude malignant diseases in this area.

When rectum disorders arise you should by all means consult your doctor in order to determine the cause. Disorders could be an initial signal for a more serious disease.

How are disorders of the rectum treated?

When your doctor has determined the cause for your disorders a specific treatment is possible. Depending on the severity of the disease you will be prescribed an ointment, a suppository or anal tampons, hip baths, change of diet, intestinal regulation, injections or a surgical operation. The earlier treatment can begin the simpler and more successful the results.

Preventive steps can be taken to avoid disorders: fibrous food (wheat germ, fruits and vegetables) and sufficient liquids of 2 liters daily which prevent hard defecation; anal hygiene comprising washing or taking a hip bath daily; regular defecation without pressing and laxatives; suitable underwear, which does not lead to skin irritation (no synthetics ) and sufficient sport activities and exercise.

Ask your doctor for other possibilities of treatment in your case.
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